
STEPN Launches GMT Earning Plans

May 15, 2024
5 min

At STEPN, our community is at the heart of everything we do, and we are committed to aligning our development with our users' interests. Today, we are thrilled to unveil our latest initiative: GMT earning plans. This new feature is designed to reward our loyal users, offering them exciting new gameplay options and enhanced connectivity within the STEPN ecosystem. By enabling GMT earning, we aim to create a dynamic balance between GST and GMT earnings, fostering a virtuous cycle that benefits all participants. Dive into the details of our GMT earning mechanics and discover how you can maximize your rewards with STEPN.

The Vision Behind GMT Earning

At STEPN, we strongly believe that our community should benefit from their contributions to the project. Loyal users who stay with us for the long term deserve to be rewarded. Our goal is to continuously offer new types of gameplay and features that enhance user engagement and connectivity. A pivotal step towards achieving these goals is the introduction of GMT earning.

By enabling GMT earning, we can better give back to our community. This initiative will create a dynamic balance between GST and GMT earnings, where success in one area can positively impact the other. This virtuous cycle is driven by several factors:

  • External Possibilities of STEPN as a Superapp: The potential of STEPN to evolve into a comprehensive application is reflected in GMT.
  • Continuous Efforts to Enhance GMT Utilities: We are committed to driving more utilities to GMT.
  • Increased Demand for In-Game Assets: The introduction of GMT earning will boost the demand for other in-game assets.

Rules for GMT Earning

Dynamic Earning Power

There is no hard-coded earning cap for GMT. Instead, the GMT earning power changes dynamically every 5 minutes based on the number of active GMT earners at that moment. The GMT earning rate diminishes logarithmically every day and will halve after three years. To be eligible for GMT earning, users need at least 3 energies in any Realm.

The GMT Earning Sneakers

We have introduced four pools for GMT earning:

  1. Classic Pool: Designed for all existing sneakers.
  2. Rainbow Pool: For the new series of Rainbow Sneakers.
  3. Rainbow Plus Pool: For advanced Rainbow Sneakers.
  4. Schadenfreude Pool: Details to be announced later.

Generations of Sneakers

  • Generation 0: Classic: When a Sneaker reaches Level 30, it can be used for GMT mining.
  • Generation 1: Rainbow
  • Generation 2: Rainbow Plus
  • Generation 3: Rainbow Infinite

All Rainbow Series Sneakers are Trainers (1–20 km/hr) and have unique characteristics:

  • No Efficiency, Luck, Comfort, or Resilience attributes.
  • 100% HP that is not restorable; once depleted, the sneaker becomes unusable.
  • HP diminishes proportionally to energy consumption.
  • Four slots for Rainbow Gems, which can be burned if users want to remove them.
  • No Minting Function, Level Up, or Repair to simplify the game.

The Rainbow Gems

Rainbow Gems can be upgraded by combining three Gems of the same category, with a chance to mint a Rainbow Gem of the same level. These Gems can be applied directly to Rainbow Series Sneakers to enhance GMT earning efficacy. Users can remove Rainbow Gems by burning them, but they cannot be used for further upgrades or traded on the marketplace. The timeline for releasing each level of Rainbow Gems will be announced later.

How to Get Rainbow Series Sneakers

  • 5-in-1 Sneaker Enhancement: Enhancing 5 Common Sneakers can yield a Rainbow Sneaker, and enhancing 5 Uncommon Sneakers can yield a Rainbow Plus Sneaker.
  • Rainbow Infinite Sneakers: Details to be announced later.

Rainbow, Rainbow Plus, and Rainbow Infinite Sneakers cannot be used for 5-in-1 Sneaker Enhancement. The cap for Mint>=2 is now removed.

GMT Earning Pools

  • Classic Pool: All Classic Sneakers are eligible for 20% of the daily GMT earnings. Higher Comfort levels increase GMT earning efficacy.
  • Rainbow Pool: Earned by Rainbow Sneakers, eligible for 30% of the daily GMT earnings.
  • Rainbow Plus Pool: Earned by Rainbow Plus Sneakers, eligible for 50% of the daily GMT earnings.
  • Schadenfreude Pool: Earned by Rainbow Infinite Sneakers, with rules to be announced later.

Timeline for GMT Earning Pools

The GMT earning pools will be launched in the following order:

  1. Classic Pool Launch: 20% of the daily GMT.
  2. Common Sneakers 5-in-1 into Rainbow + Rainbow Pool Launch: 30% of the daily GMT.
  3. Uncommon Sneakers 5-in-1 into Rainbow Plus + Rainbow Plus Pool Launch: 50% of the daily GMT.
  4. Rainbow Infinite + Schadenfreude Pool Launch: Rules to be announced later.

The timeline for releasing Rainbow, Rainbow Plus, and Rainbow Infinite Sneakers, as well as different levels of Rainbow Gems, will be announced accordingly. Performing 5-in-1 Enhancements or Gems upgrades before the corresponding announcement will not yield the corresponding Rainbow Series Sneakers and Rainbow Gems of that level.

Additional Use Cases for GMT

In the upcoming app update, we will introduce several new use cases for GMT. The GMT earning countdown will start after these updates go live. GMT earning is a small step on our roadmap, but we hope it will be a giant leap for the STEPN community.

We hope you are as excited as we are for the coming changes!

  • With you, for you, by you Team STEPN
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At STEPN, our community is at the heart of everything we do, and we are committed to aligning our development with our users' interests. Today, we are thrilled to unveil our latest initiative: GMT earning plans. This new feature is designed to reward our loyal users, offering them exciting new gameplay options and enhanced connectivity within the STEPN ecosystem. By enabling GMT earning, we aim to create a dynamic balance between GST and GMT earnings, fostering a virtuous cycle that benefits all participants. Dive into the details of our GMT earning mechanics and discover how you can maximize your rewards with STEPN.

The Vision Behind GMT Earning

At STEPN, we strongly believe that our community should benefit from their contributions to the project. Loyal users who stay with us for the long term deserve to be rewarded. Our goal is to continuously offer new types of gameplay and features that enhance user engagement and connectivity. A pivotal step towards achieving these goals is the introduction of GMT earning.

By enabling GMT earning, we can better give back to our community. This initiative will create a dynamic balance between GST and GMT earnings, where success in one area can positively impact the other. This virtuous cycle is driven by several factors:

  • External Possibilities of STEPN as a Superapp: The potential of STEPN to evolve into a comprehensive application is reflected in GMT.
  • Continuous Efforts to Enhance GMT Utilities: We are committed to driving more utilities to GMT.
  • Increased Demand for In-Game Assets: The introduction of GMT earning will boost the demand for other in-game assets.

Rules for GMT Earning

Dynamic Earning Power

There is no hard-coded earning cap for GMT. Instead, the GMT earning power changes dynamically every 5 minutes based on the number of active GMT earners at that moment. The GMT earning rate diminishes logarithmically every day and will halve after three years. To be eligible for GMT earning, users need at least 3 energies in any Realm.

The GMT Earning Sneakers

We have introduced four pools for GMT earning:

  1. Classic Pool: Designed for all existing sneakers.
  2. Rainbow Pool: For the new series of Rainbow Sneakers.
  3. Rainbow Plus Pool: For advanced Rainbow Sneakers.
  4. Schadenfreude Pool: Details to be announced later.

Generations of Sneakers

  • Generation 0: Classic: When a Sneaker reaches Level 30, it can be used for GMT mining.
  • Generation 1: Rainbow
  • Generation 2: Rainbow Plus
  • Generation 3: Rainbow Infinite

All Rainbow Series Sneakers are Trainers (1–20 km/hr) and have unique characteristics:

  • No Efficiency, Luck, Comfort, or Resilience attributes.
  • 100% HP that is not restorable; once depleted, the sneaker becomes unusable.
  • HP diminishes proportionally to energy consumption.
  • Four slots for Rainbow Gems, which can be burned if users want to remove them.
  • No Minting Function, Level Up, or Repair to simplify the game.

The Rainbow Gems

Rainbow Gems can be upgraded by combining three Gems of the same category, with a chance to mint a Rainbow Gem of the same level. These Gems can be applied directly to Rainbow Series Sneakers to enhance GMT earning efficacy. Users can remove Rainbow Gems by burning them, but they cannot be used for further upgrades or traded on the marketplace. The timeline for releasing each level of Rainbow Gems will be announced later.

How to Get Rainbow Series Sneakers

  • 5-in-1 Sneaker Enhancement: Enhancing 5 Common Sneakers can yield a Rainbow Sneaker, and enhancing 5 Uncommon Sneakers can yield a Rainbow Plus Sneaker.
  • Rainbow Infinite Sneakers: Details to be announced later.

Rainbow, Rainbow Plus, and Rainbow Infinite Sneakers cannot be used for 5-in-1 Sneaker Enhancement. The cap for Mint>=2 is now removed.

GMT Earning Pools

  • Classic Pool: All Classic Sneakers are eligible for 20% of the daily GMT earnings. Higher Comfort levels increase GMT earning efficacy.
  • Rainbow Pool: Earned by Rainbow Sneakers, eligible for 30% of the daily GMT earnings.
  • Rainbow Plus Pool: Earned by Rainbow Plus Sneakers, eligible for 50% of the daily GMT earnings.
  • Schadenfreude Pool: Earned by Rainbow Infinite Sneakers, with rules to be announced later.

Timeline for GMT Earning Pools

The GMT earning pools will be launched in the following order:

  1. Classic Pool Launch: 20% of the daily GMT.
  2. Common Sneakers 5-in-1 into Rainbow + Rainbow Pool Launch: 30% of the daily GMT.
  3. Uncommon Sneakers 5-in-1 into Rainbow Plus + Rainbow Plus Pool Launch: 50% of the daily GMT.
  4. Rainbow Infinite + Schadenfreude Pool Launch: Rules to be announced later.

The timeline for releasing Rainbow, Rainbow Plus, and Rainbow Infinite Sneakers, as well as different levels of Rainbow Gems, will be announced accordingly. Performing 5-in-1 Enhancements or Gems upgrades before the corresponding announcement will not yield the corresponding Rainbow Series Sneakers and Rainbow Gems of that level.

Additional Use Cases for GMT

In the upcoming app update, we will introduce several new use cases for GMT. The GMT earning countdown will start after these updates go live. GMT earning is a small step on our roadmap, but we hope it will be a giant leap for the STEPN community.

We hope you are as excited as we are for the coming changes!

  • With you, for you, by you Team STEPN
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